Wednesday, 21 March 2012

H3's Batch Program [Working In Progress.. Beta Realeased]

H3's Batch Program -- AIO Batch Program Especially Build For Windows XP


1. Ping View           # Check your connection speed
2. DNS Spoofer         # View any blocked site like, ...
3. LAN Messenger       # A basic LAN messenger
4. RAM Booster         # Boost your RAM and run your PC smoother
5. Explorer Booster    # Boost your explorer shell to speed up browsing
6. Batch Calculator    # Have you ever seen a calculator in CMD?
7. Google Search Hacks # Specified options and improve search result
8. Custom Commands     # Some very useful tweaks and commands
9. Start DTaskMgr      # Mod Windows Task Manager for hackers
10.Start SysConfig     # Disable startup apps manually to reduce lag

[L] Lucky Number Generator
[S] Skin Chooser
[C] Credits
[X] Exit                                  4,6,7,8 = Working in progress


Thursday, 15 March 2012

Cheating Warcraft III Maps

This topic will guide you inserting an0nh3's cheatpack into a map

Tools you will need:
-an0nh3's Cheatpack

Follow these steps correctly:

1--Open the map that you want to cheat with MPQMaster, then select Warcraft III listfile

Open Folder...

 Select listfile

an0nh3's Cheatpack--A Cheatpack For Warcraft III Games

                ___        _     ____    _
               / _ \      | |   |___ \  ( )
    __ _ _ __ | | | |_ __ | |__   __) | |/___
   / _` | '_ \| | | | '_ \| '_ \ |__ <   / __|
  | (_| | | | | |_| | | | | | | |___) |  \__ \
   \__,_|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|_| |_|____/   |___/

    _____ _                _                    _
   / ____| |              | |                  | |
  | |    | |__   ___  __ _| |_ _ __   __ _  ___| | __
  | |    | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | __| '_ \ / _` |/ __| |/ /
  | |____| | | |  __/ (_| | |_| |_) | (_| | (__|   <
   \_____|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__| .__/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\
                              | |

The old cheat menu (GUI) written by SgGuy (previously called DotA cheat menu) had all players loading all cheats when the game started, even if no one had activated cheats. It caused a lot of memory leaking and unnecessary lag.

The code is now rewritten with pure JASS. And add-on JJ's cheatpack

There will be a tutorial that teaches you how to insert cheatpack into Warcraft III maps.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Protecting Your Files Without Any Software

Hey there... If you need to protect some files away from you parents or friends... then keep reading.

1-- Copy all the codes HERE

2-- Open a blank notepad and paste all the codes inside, save it as:

3-- Right click on the newly saved file and click on "Edit"

4-- Search for this string:

5-- Replace it to the password that you want. Then open it... you'll know what to do next. :D

Thursday, 8 March 2012

How To Search MP3(s) Fast With Good Results

Spending time typing in Google or viewing links in Google one by one to download your desired mp3 song or music? Lets save your time right now. Search music fast with "Google Dork"

Type this is the Google search bar:

Replace the SONG NAME with your song name and add the artist name too for better results. If i wanted to search a song called "Moonwalk" by "JPM" then I should type:

jpm moonwalk site:

Share if it works for you.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Faronics Anti-Executable Standard

APK Edit, Edit Your Own APK

Ever wanted to simply change an icon on your Android phone and found yourself lost in the endless lists of forum posts saying: you have to change heaven and earth to do this...

APK Edit is born!
(BTW, APK Edit has a child on its own now... I called him: File To Barcode)
If you like it, celebrate with me

With this little program you can simply change icons of your android application.It even lets you change the applications name.
But wait mike..... there's more.....
It even lets you edit the text used in applications.

Sounds to good to be true...
Well... to be honest.... it is.
But I've come a long way from that initial question to the final answer.
My conclusion so far, it works for most of my applications.
It probably will work on most of yours as well.

Try it out now!

Invisible Protector The Best Android App Protector

Invisible Protector protects your private applications by fake crash.When launching a protected app, it will throw a fake crash error which may mislead guest user into thinking that your app has a glitch or something. So it can stop guest from using your protected app in a natural manner.And it is hidden in the app menu. You only can access it by dial #999 followed by the call button.

# Guide

  1. Press an application in the list and select 'Protect' or 'Remove protect' context menu item to add/remove protect an application
  2. Enable protector, set password and select an unlock mode in Menu > Setting,the default password is empty
  3. When launching the protected application, it will popup a runtime error
  4. dialog, unauthorized people will be cheated and may click close button to close it
  5. For the owner, you can dismiss the error dialog by the mode you selected in
  6. Setting menu, please refer to the next section for detail

Bypassing Android's App Protector Using Nothing!

Did your have a friend that is using Android phone and he locked(protect) some of his app with some kind of protector like "Perfect AppLock" or any other utilities. Normally they are protecting by a password or any other special ways. But it doesn't matter, there is a way to let you show off by bypassing the protector.

NOTE: The "Settings" app must be unprotected or he got an unprotected task killer or you will not able to bypass the protector.

If the "Settings" is not locked then go in to the setting, then choose Applications, then Running Process. Look for a process that the name is similar to the protector or it is exactly the same with the protector. Click on it, then choose the "End task" or "Force close" button.... And..................... Tadadada, you had byppassed it!

If he got the "Settings" protected and the taskiller is unprotected then open the following taskkiller. Look for a process that the name is similar to the protector or it is exactly the same with the protector. Click on it, then choose the "End task" or "Force close" button.... And..................... Tadadada, you had byppassed it!

It will not work if both of it is protected. But mostly they will not protect it for easy accesses.

Make Your Pirated Windows XP Genuine

Windows Genuine Balloon Hack The fix works a treat.

1. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Windows Genuine Advantage\data

inside you will find a file called Data.dat open that file with notepad and
deleteall the stuff in it… now save the file and set it as read only andrestart pc but in SAFE mode ** Yes, this step is required ** ** WillNOT immediately solve problem until rest of steps completed **

Now go to c:\windows\system32 folder: MUST be in safemode

Hide Or Lock Your Drive(s)

Open Registry (go to run command, type "regedit" and press enter)
Then go to this key


Now right click in right side pane and create DWORD Value (blue color)

Rename it as "NoViewOnDrive" (for locking drive)
Rename it as "NoDrives" (for Hiding drive)

Double click on it and put some numbers to lock ur desired Drive and click ok.

FOR A : 1
FOR C : 4
FOR D : 8
FOR E : 16
FOR F : 32
FOR G : 64
FOR H : 128

Finally restart or log-off the computer to take effect.

Keep in mind that "0" is Default Value to Disable or remove this setting..

After locking the drive when u try to open it, u will see a msgbox like this
"This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator"

Hide Your User Account In Windows XP

If your parents have recently locked you out of their computer, thenthere is a way to make your account invisible, so they wont know thatyour account exists, and you can still log in.

You have to edit your registry for this, so if you dont want to take the risk, then dont do it.

First off, you have to create your account.

1) Turn on computer and keep hitting F8 untill you are at the safe mode screen selection.
2)Log in the administrator account, it shouldnt require a password, ifit does, that means that your parents locked that account and you cantcreate you account.
3) If you are in, then go to control panel and create your account.
4)Restart your computer, and logg in your account. After everything isloaded, go to Start > Run > Regedit. The registry will popup.

Ok, now follow this root to make your account invisible.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Setting Backdoor Access To CMD For Further Accesses If You Forgot Windows Password

In this tutorial I am going to teach you how to gain access to cmd.exe on the welcome screen.

What is the use for setting backdoor cmd?
This is for precaution if you have forgottern your windows password.

Follow these easy steps to set backdoor access to cmd.exe:

1) Open "My Computer" then go to your local disk. Then go to WINDOWS > system32
2) Search for "cmd.exe" and copy it to your desktop.
3) Rename the newly copied "cmd.exe" to "sethc.exe"
4) Replace the "sethc.exe" with the original "setch.exe" in system32

Then you have set backdoor access to cmd.exe so you can open it anytime by pressing the SHIFT key 5 times. You can also open it in the welcome screen to hack user passwords.... to know how to hack passwords using cmd read it HERE

Send Anonymous Emails

Have you ever think about sending emails to someone from any address? It is called email spoofing.

What is the aim of sending anonymous mails? You can:
  • Catch a cheating spouse husband or wife.
  • Find out if your friend is are real friend
  • Give warnings to people
  • Inform the police about illegal activities
  • Inform the tax office about tax cheaters
  • Confess your love to somebody
  • Play an email joke with your friends
  • When your own email service doesn’t work
  • If your private email is banned by the recipient
  • Report fraud to your boss or institution
  • And many more reasons…

How to?

1) Visit HERE and fill in the form.
2) Done! You had sent the email with the address you choose.

Useful Javascript Codes For Browser

How to use these codes? Copy and paste it the the address bar, press enter and get the effect.

Make your browser move it self -- Click here to see the effect

Edit any part in the webpage -- Click here to see the effect

View Blocked Youtube Videos! Working 2012

How to view any blocked, copyrighted, or 18 rated videos on youtube! This post is updated and works on 2012. I tried it today.

If the video is blocked or requires you to login before viewing the video, then you will probably need to read this post.

1- View the URL of the video:

2- Edit the URL:

*Remove /watch
*Change ? to / and = to /

3- Then go to the address and try.